Friday, January 29, 2010

Tonight's full moon: Biggest of the year

Hey all!

I don't put too much stock in superstitions, but I thought I'd pass it along in case you do!

Tonight is the first full moon of the year. According to, "tonight the moon will be about 14% wider and 30% brighter than lesser full moons of the year."

You will also be able to see Mars tonight, just to the left of the moon.

Happy Moon Gazing!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to ask for references

I've started writing research articles for WisconsinJobNetwork. I plan to write one every other month, so check back often!

Check out my first article about how to ask for references!

While you are there, check out posts by Katie Lindbloom, QPS' marketing manager!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Job Satisfaction at Lowest Level in 20 Years

The Conference Board recently released a report on job satisfaction, surveying over 5,000 US households. Only 45% said that they were satisfied with their jobs.

To give you a point of reference, the first year that this survey was conducted was in 1987.  In that survey, 61.1 replied that they were satisfied with their jobs.

Are you satisfied with your job? What factors do you take into consideration? For example-- is net pay more important than you benefit package? Would you work for a company that didn't match your 401(k)? What would it take for you to be "satisfied?"

Monday, January 18, 2010

What a way to start off the year (16 days in)!

Those of you who know me personally know that I am not a touchy feely person. I don’t put a lot of stock in motivational speakers, but I just have to tell you about an experience I had this weekend.

QPS held its’ annual strategic update meeting on Saturday, and everyone from QPS’ branches came together to discuss the upcoming year.

As most of you know, 2009 was pretty rough for the private sector. Many of us in the staffing industry were beat down and we really needed something to pick us back up and motivate us for the upcoming year. Our executive team at QPS hired Mary Jo Paloranta to speak at the meeting.

I can honestly say that she was the best speaker I have ever had the privilege of hearing. She immediately made me feel supported and like I was someone to be proud of. And let me tell you, after surviving the first big recession in my lifetime, and as much as I never thought I would, I needed to hear those words. When we are struggling and feeling down, sometimes there is nothing more that we need to hear than someone, even if that person is a stranger, telling us that they believe in us.

While I can’t speak for others, I know that Mary Jo made my day. So remember, be nice to those that you work with. Pay a compliment out loud to someone if you are thinking it in your head.

You never know what kind of an impact you can make on their lives.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Team Conan or Team Jay?

No matter your preference for late night comedy, you have to feel a little bad for Conan.

Let's relate it to an office setting. Say you have been with a company for years and were on their succession management program. You were expected to take over the VP's job when he moved into a new role. You moved your family across the country to the HQ of your company and started to settle into your new role.

Then, a few months later, your CEO comes up to you and says that they are bringing the old VP back. You can still keep your title, but it clear that the company doesn't have the faith in you that they once did.

Now you have a choice to make. Take what the boss man is giving you or stand up for yourself and do what is best for you.

So whose side are you on? Team Conan or Team Jay?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not all feel the recession in the same way

The New York Times has an interactive tool that shows how people of different races, genders, age and educational levels are affected differently by the recession.

For example, the average unemployment rate for people like me (Caucasian, Female, 25, college graduate) is 3.6%. (The Times uses a 12 month average ending in September of '09.)

You can check out the interactive tool  here and see how everyone is affected differently by the recession.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Success story: holiday job turns full-time

Steve Brannigan, a former auto worker from Detroit, moved to Portland to try and find better job prospects. He ended up taking 2 part-time jobs, one at a bakery and another at an ice skating rink.

His job at the bakery, while part-time, was recently extended and he is now able to get medical and dental benefits, as well as vacation time.

This story, found here, is a great example of how part-time employment is a great way to get your foot in the door. You never know what it may lead to next!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bruce Steinberg-- Monthly Employment Newsletter

I came across a great reference site for information about the US employment situation.

Bruce Steinberg writes a monthy employment newsletter full of useful information about the economic conditions, but it's written in a way that everyone can understand, even if you are not great at numbers and figures, like me!

For those of you keeping score at home, the unemployment rate for December is staying the same as November, at 10%.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Recruiting 24/7 in Milwaukee- Check it out!

My co-worker and friend Dave Summerfield has started a blog of his own!

Dave is a recruiter and shares his thoughts (and Wisconsin sports) at his blog, "Recruiting 24/7 in Milwaukee."

Check it out at:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 1 of work resolution!

Well, I made it through my first work day of the year with keeping my resolution.

I made my list and stuck to it.

So far, so good :)

Have you broken yours yet or are you still going strong, 4 days in?